Multi grappleⅠ
Multi grappleⅠ

Refers of equipment or instrument to grab goods.
Examples are Stone-grapple to grab stones and wood grab to remove shrubs and woods.
Examples are Stone-grapple to grab stones and wood grab to remove shrubs and woods.

- Extend to maximum life span through Ultra precision process and heat treatments.
- Increase durability by using special steel.
- Reduce the weight using standard structural type.
- Prevent break down and easy maintenance by not having a cylinder.
- Enhance working condition by adjusting angle.
- Replacing within 5 seconds.
- Increase durability by using special steel.
- Reduce the weight using standard structural type.
- Prevent break down and easy maintenance by not having a cylinder.
- Enhance working condition by adjusting angle.
- Replacing within 5 seconds.

No need for installation of separate hydraulic hose and installation can be done in 5 seconds.